Leadership Through Organizational Change
Establishing the Integrated Marketing Function at Beam Suntory
In 2016, Beam Suntory’s new CMO had a clear ambition to evolve “from a company of brands to a brand building company.” She established my role, VP of Integrated Marketing, with the charge of improving creative output, marketing effectiveness, brand planning processes, ways of working, organizational design, and alignment of talent.
In approaching this problem, I abided by several self-subscribed principles:
Listen and understand the organization: an in-depth understanding of how work moves through the system was a key starting point. Within the value chain, where is value added and where is it lost? What are the spoken…
…and unspoken cultural queues and behaviors that enable or slow work? A thorough, company-wide study was conducted to gain insight from a range of perspectives, from senior management to those on the front line.
Co creation: the organization will more likely embrace change that they helped create. Not only were a host of cross-functional workshops conducted over time, but task teams were established to identify and implement change.
What worked there may not work here: While a similar function existed at other companies that my colleagues or I previously worked, I wanted it clear that we can not necessarily lift and apply. While we should learn from what other businesses, we need to create a solution bespoke for Beam Suntory’s culture and value-chain to ensure success.
Quick wins, long-term vision: sustaining change rarely happens over night, though it was important to have evidence that implemented changes were netting results early in the process. This was a consideration point once Action Areas were identified and resources were being allocated.
To bring this process to life, the images below reflect the five Areas of Opportunity / Work streams and the Action Items under each that were in turn assigned to cross functional working groups and their progress was followed over the balance of the year.
In 2017-2019, multiple initiatives were implemented to continually build and evolve the Integrated Marketing discipline and group. When evaluating progress through a company-wide annual survey, indicators across all measures (creative output, effectiveness, operational efficiency, increased value to market, etc) were in the top quartile.